Pending the discovery of a vaccine that will help eradicate the virus, the government in its frantic effort put up 19 response measures that could attenuate the pain inflicted into the population in its entire dimension by the disease.
And to clear the air on the controversy some of the measures must have sparked, President Biya went ahead to clarify why it was necessary to set up the package of response measures which are being implemented at the moment and above all the readjustment that followed.
In effect, the spirit behind the 19 measures taken in April as explained by the Head of State was basically to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic on the national economy and the life of the most fragile households.
The encouraging lessons learnt from the response strategy enabled government to take "relief and support measures for the economic sectors and persons most affected by the pandemic."
In spite of all these, the ball still remains in the court of the population that must continue to adhere to the measures set up by government and the World Health Organisation, notably the systematic wearing of protective face masks and distancing.