Barbados, like most countries across the world, has navigated the unpredictable twists and turns of the COVID-19 pandemic for the past two years.We have not escaped unscathed from this microscopic enemy which has claimed the lives of 541 citizens as of August 29 and caused over 100,000 infections here.In exchange for all the upheaval of our lives, we hopefully have learned lessons in resilience and preparation for the inevitable arrival of the next virus.In spite of pandemic fatigue, the majority of Barbadians have stepped up to take care of themselves and each other during these uncertain times. While there have been mishaps and stumbles, and although some couldn’t have cared less for fellow citizens, we have made the most of the changes thrust upon us.Now like the rest of the world, Barbados has been forced to shift its focus from the pandemic to tackling the negative fallout triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with supply chain challenges and the spiralling cost of food and fuel. Again, we have been gradually moving towards the so-called new normal.