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Attorney: Nine independent senators should resign - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

ATTORNEY Martin George said on Tuesday the nine independent senators appointed by former president Paula-Mae Weekes should resign in order to allow her successor Christine Kangaloo to select a new group of independent senators, if she so desires.

Former Senate president Christine Kangaloo was inaugurated as TT's seventh President on Monday.

She was elected by the Electoral College by a vote of 48-22 on January 20. The college comprises all members of the House of Representatives and Senate, including the Speaker and the Senate President.

For the time being, it appears the current nine independent senators will remain in place. There is no rule making it mandatory for them to resign as a new President assumes office.

Newsday reached out to the independents and got the views of three of the nine: Paul Richards, Anthony Vieira and Dr Maria Dillon-Remy.

Asked about the future of members of the current independent bench now that Kangaloo is President, Richards said, "There is no requirement for resignation. In a general sense, parliamentarians are appointed for a parliamentary session."

During that session, he continued, a sitting President "can appoint independent senators according to the Constitution or replace independent senators as their will dictates."

He recalled that when Weekes became president in 2018, the only independent senator to resign was Dhanayshar Mahabir and, "That was his choice at the time."

[caption id="attachment_1006901" align="alignnone" width="874"] Attorney Martin George. -[/caption]

Vieira said, "According to parliamentary convention, we (independent senators) are not required to resign with the change in President. We continue to serve at the President's pleasure."He said it was entirely within Kangaloo's discretion "as to whether she wants us to continue as independents."

Dr Dillon-Remy told Newsday, "I have been advised by staff of the Parliament that I am not required to resign."

She added, "Our new President has the prerogative to revoke my appointment and I am prepared for this."

Until that time, however, Dillon-Remy said she will continue to serve as an independent senator. She said she could not speak for her fellow independents.

Dillion-Remy also said it was impractical for all independent senators to resign in the middle of a parliamentary session. "That would cause confusion in the parliamentary functioning."

She pointed out that some independent senators sit on parliamentary select and joint select committees and in the case of the latter, some are even chaired by independent senators.

Contacted for comment, George was in full disagreement.

"We in Trinidad and Tobago are supposed to be following the Westminster model on systems and governance and norms."

Under those circumstances, he continued, it is incumbent upon the independent senators who were appointed by Weekes to do the honourable thing and resign.

George said these senators should do so

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