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After 100 days in office, Erla gives herself an ‘excellent’ grade - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


Whether you accept it or not, this is how Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher graded her performance for the first 100 days in office.

Speaking with the media at the police service's centennial sports and family day anniversary at the Police Training Academy, St James, on Saturday, Harewood-Christopher when asked about her performance said it was excellent.

Sunday Newsday asked about her first 100 days to which she replied: "You have time to check 100 days? I have been busy working."

National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds who attended the event refused to comment on the commissioner's first three months. Asked twice about it, Hinds ignored the question instead choosing to focus on the centennial celebration of the police sports and family day.

On the first occasion Hinds reminisced about his time as a police officer highlighting the police retreat where officers displayed their skills that he said will not only inspire him but others, as was done in his time.

Asked again about Harewood-Christopher's tenure, Hinds said: "As I said we are celebrating 100 years of sporting activity that as the commissioner explained is no mean feat. And the TT Police Service must be celebrated and congratulated because we need them as an institution in this country to maintain our democracy, our safety and our security."

With some of the participants in the march past saluting Harewood-Christopher, Hinds said he was happy to be there to celebrate her and celebrate with her. He said the various displays of "woman king" was the police and public's way of acknowledging the triumph of women in the social and professional life.

[caption id="attachment_1015991" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Police move in on to restore confidence and peace after a rash of murders, arson and violence at the Trainline, St Augustine on May 10. - Jeff Mayers[/caption]

Opposition not convinced

Oropuche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal, when asked about Harewood-Christopher's performance said: "After 100 days of Erla, I don’t think the country is appropriately happy.”

Moonilal and his colleagues all supported Harewood-Christopher's selection when the matter was raised in Parliament on February 3. Of the 41 members of Parliament, 36 were present during the debate with Harewood-Christopher receiving a nod from all present, 19 government and 17 opposition members.

Also commenting on her time so far was Opposition Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial who questioned some of the strategies that the top cop put in place to grade herself as excellent.

"In 100 days of Erla we have had more than 100 or maybe 200 murders. How many have been solved? What strategies are being deployed to make people feel safer and to deter criminals? Issues like TT defence force ammo on crimes scenes, slow response from E999 units and the Brent Thomas affair continue to diminish trust and confidence in law enforcement, and it isn’t getting any better."

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