On the Commemoration of This Year's Africa Day, He Spoke About Africa's Achievements So Far and the Challenges Faced:
What should African countries reflect on this year as we commemorate Africa Day?
This year, the First Continental Report on Implementation of Agenda 2063, Africa's framework for development, shows the continent Africa has made some remarkable progress towards attaining the goals defined in Agenda 2063's First Ten-Year Implementation Plan.
According to the World Bank's 2019 Doing Business Index, five of the ten most-improved countries globally, are in Africa, with six of the world's 10 fastest-growing economies on the continent.
Nontheless, while African countries have been enjoying notable social and economic progress, the gains made in this realm have, in most cases, not cascaded down to alleviate everyday problems such as us improved healthcare systems and the creation of the much needed jobs from Africa's youths.
Therefore, together with countries, our COVID-19 Response Plan of Action focusses on the following seven thematic areas, through which countries can remain stable both during and post COVID-19 pandemic: Health Service Delivery; Human Resources for Health; Research & Development Innovation and Local Manufacturing; Education and Training; Skills and Employability; Food and Nutrition Security; and Financing.