In multiparty elections in 1994, President Chissanó won. In Nov. 1995, the country was the first nonformer British colony to become a member of the British Commonwealth. The presidents disciplined economic plan was highly successful, winning the country foreign confidence and aid. While Mozambique posted some of the worlds largest economic growth rates in the late 1990s, it has suffered enormous setbacks because of natural disasters, such as the enormous damage caused by severe flooding in the winters of 2000 and 2001. Hundreds died and thousands were displaced.
In 2002, Chissanó announced he would not seek a third term. FRELIMOs candidate, independence hero Armando Guebuza, was elected president and sworn in on Feb. 2, 2005.
In Oct. 2012, President Armando Guebuza relieved Prime Minister Aires Ali of his duties amid a cabinet reshuffle and named Alberto Vaquina as new prime minister. Economic growth continues in Mozambique. New coal and gas resources promise to support an estimated 7% growth in 2013.