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Bio rallies support for his state of nation address – has he done enough in two years?

This is what president Bio said:

Mr. Speaker, Honourable Vice President, Honourable Chief Justice, Ministers of Government, Honourable Members of Parliament, Your Worship, The Mayor of the Municipality of Freetown, The First Lady, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.

Mr. Speaker Honourable Members of Parliament, my Government has launched the medium-term National Development Plan, increased domestic revenue mobilisation, eased tax burdens on businesses, and introduced business-friendly policies and processes.

Mr. Speaker Honourable Members of Parliament, our Medium-Term National Development Plan for 2019-2023 highlights our integrated commitment to transform the Sierra Leone economy.

We have developed monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that will enhance transparency and accountability and Government will strengthen its public performance management and service delivery mechanisms

Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, we thank our Development Partners for supporting development financing and service delivery in the country.

Mr. Speaker Honourable Members of Parliament, at the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2019, I argued the need for a singular, securitised, and serially numbered identification instrument that can be used for “governance, development planning, financial inclusion, and human rights imperatives”, and also “strengthen healthcare planning, health information systems, disease surveillance and monitor public health interventions and outcomes.”

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