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Aha- First Dynastic King of Egypt

Ka Ma Ma ha, or Narmer Mena (Menes of the Greeks), was born to a petty king of Upper Egypt (Southern Egypt) around 3200BC. Not much is known of Aha's father other than he was ruler in Egypt's southern lands where the totemic symbol of the Horus-falcon was prevalent. Most probably Aha's family bore this totem as well. The crown of Upper Egypt was a white conical shaped hat. Aha's father iniated a series of successful military campaigns against other petty kings in Egypt's southern region which culminated in the unification of Upper Egypt. He then led military campaigns against Lower (Northern) Egypt. The symbol of Lower Egypt was said to be a hornet and its kings wore a crown which can be described as a low red cap with a high peak at the back. When Aha ascended the throne he was able to complete the work of the kings before him by conquering the petty kingships existing in Lower Egypt. Afer a successful military subjagation of Libyan tribes in the region, Narmer claimed Lower Egypt for himself and combined both the white crown of his native Upper Egypt with the red crown of Lower Egypt to create the famous Egyptian double crown. For the first time in recored history, Egypt was unified as one nation under one king, Aha. Thus Aha is accredited with iniating Egypt's first dynasty. This would be the second known instance of an idea of divine kingship or monarchy in the world. The first belongs to the Nubian kingdom of Ta-Seti, a probable cultural ancestor of Aha. Wishing to formally claim his new won territory, Aha sought to build a city on the Delta region of his nation. However he found his plans blocked as the Delta region was covered by an immense swamp, the resulting run-off from the Nile River. Aha instituted a project to cut a channel to divert the course of the Nile River itself and thus drained the swamp in what is still looked upon as a remarkable feat of hydrostatics some 5,000 years later. On his newly drained territory he built a city called Men-Nefer meaning "the good or beautiful place." The Greeks who came upon this city nearly three thousand years after its initial construction, were still fascinated by its intricate mazes and structures and spoke of it often. The name of this city and legacy of Narmer is still known today in its Greek translation, "Memphis."

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