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Zifa, PSL war escalates

BY FORTUNE MBELE ZIFA have instituted investigations on Premier Soccer League chief executive officer Kennedy Ndebele for possible misconduct in a move that will further widen the rift between the association and its affiliate. This follows comments Ndebele allegedly made to the Press regarding the start of the 2020 Premier Soccer League season after it was suspended in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The alleged offensive statements were made between August and September in articles that appeared in local newspapers including our sister paper The Standard. Zifa said the statements: “…demean the standing of the association and are meant to bring the game of football into disrepute.” Zifa wrote to Ndebele on Wednesday raising a raft of allegations against the PSL chief that include, among other things, writing to the Sports and Recreation Commission (SRC) and the World League Forum without seeking permission from the association. “Further, you authored a letter addressed to the Sports and Recreation Commission, hereto attached, which letter clearly shows the writer’s negative view of the association. Further you have copied various internal correspondences to SRC and World League Forum without the prior authorisation from the association. It appears to show that there is conflict between the association and the affiliates. As an official of the association, you are expected to act in a manner consistent with the mandate of the association in the advancement of football in the country,” read the Zifa letter. The national football governing body added: “Confirm whether or not you authored the aforementioned letter to the SRC and the basis upon which the allegations against the association contained therein are made.” Zifa said Ndebele was also requested to avail accounting details of PSL, but had not done so. “You were requested by the general secretary of the association to make available the accounting details of the PSL clubs. You failed to do without any reasonable excuse. The association requests that you furnish us with the reason for failure to provide the accounting details as requested,” Zifa said. “Note, in the event of failure to comply with the above, the association shall draw advice inferences and will proceed to make a determination on the options available to it without an input from you. Further, note that the letter herein does not constitute a charge for misconduct but it’s merely investigative in nature meant to ascertain the facts from you.” Ndebele acknowledged receipt of the letter from Zifa but would not comment on its contents referring further questions to his boss, PSL  chairman Farai Jere. Follow Fortune on Twitter @fmbele

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