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Young: Bert Allette Park being rebuilt at no cost to the State - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Port-of-Spain North/St Ann’s West MP Stuart Young says the reconstruction of the Bert Allette Park, Norfolk Street, Belmont will be done "gratis" by the Chinese Embassy through China Railway Construction, and in collaboration with the Port of Spain City Corporation, as a donation to the people of Belmont.

Newsday attended the sod-turning ceremony hosted by the Chinese Embassy on August 14 and noticed the dilapidated state of the swings, slides and exercise equipment. There was also overgrown grass throughout the park.

Young said while the park has never been closed, the "wear and tear" of the park and its reconstruction has been something he has wanted to focus on for some time.

"I'm glad we found a partner to help refurbish the park, because its very important for children in the community."

Young said he is unsure of the timeline for completion, but "will push China Railway to complete it as quickly as possible."

"Today they will get the work started and work with the Port of Spain City Corporation to complete it."

Chinese ambassador Fang Qiu said the reconstruction of the park was a part of the 50-year anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Trinidad and Tobago.

"This will serve as a catalyst for further deepening the traditional friendship between our two countries.

"The reconstruction of Bert Allette Park will undoubtedly contribute to the enhancement of the citizen's quality of life."

Belmont resident, George Johnson said the reconstruction of the park is a fantastic initiative.

"Anything that will encourage the youths to come into a safe and improved space is always positive."

[caption id="attachment_1102357" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Kareem Allette stands outside the Bert Allette Park, named after his father who was killed in 2006. - Photo by Venessa Mohammed[/caption]

The Belmont area has seen a high rate of gun violence over the last few months. On June 2, police said a group of men were liming near a school in Gonzales, after a game of football. Without warning, gunmen arrived in a car and began shooting. One man was killed and several others injured.

The injured men were taken to the Port of Spain General Hospital, but moments after their arrival, masked gunmen also stormed the hospital in a car. While relatives of the wounded men and medics were trying to get the victims into the hospital's accident and emergency department, the gunmen got out of their car and opened fire.

Jayden Reyes, 21, Peter Williams, 31, Kevin "Grimes" King, 33, and Johnathon "Johnny/Jman" Arjoon, 23 all died in that incident, and a man was shot and wounded.

On July 3, Levei Morgan-Gloud, 21, was shot and killed while attending a wake at Layan Hill, Upper St Francois Valley Road, Belmont.

Just over a month later, two more men were gunned down in Gonzales. Hasani Bonas, 29, and Jahiem Shallo, 19, were gunned down on July 12 while liming in the area.

Johnson said while crime throughout the country is high, he hopes the criminal elements will "respect the park."

"Safety and c

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