As howls get louder over high electricity bills, the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) has been asked by Energy Minister Fayval Williams to examine past decisions that may be negatively affecting customers now.
“We in the ministry, JPS and the regulator have an obligation to demystify electricity prices so consumers better understand the product they’re buying and have more control over their purchases,” Williams said during her contribution to the Sectoral Debate in Parliament.
“As we move forward with the electricity sector, we must make it easier for customers to know how much electricity and the cost of that electricity they consume as the month progresses, so that they may make changes in their consumptions, if they want, and so that there is no negative surprise at the end of each month,” Williams said.
JPS has recorded an overall 28 per cent increase in bill queries.
Electricity usage has fallen by six per cent nationally since the coronavirus crisis, said Winsome Callum, JPS’s director of communications and customer experience.