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Why I supported no-confidence motion - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: On Friday I made a conscious decision to vote in favour of the two motions brought against the Attorney General.

The reason for my decision was based on facts brought forward that showed the Attorney General was disqualified from a matter by an international court.

The motions sought to bring back the dignity that the Office of the Attorney General deserves and to save our legal profession as it has been embarrassed by what the Attorney General has done.

Having heard submissions made, this has nothing to do with the man Reginald Armour personally but when you take public office such as that of Attorney General much is expected and with great power comes great responsibility.

Some arguments made against the motion included that the AG is a patriot and of great integrity as he stood up against the state of emergency brought against former House speaker Occah Seapaul. I however chuckle at this and must ask if Armour and others found that to be wrong, how can they not find what he has done not wrong?

Further to this, how are younger attorneys called to the bar to operate when they have seen a senior counsel get away with basically saying 'it was a mistake, I forgot and I'm sorry.' Now the precedent has been set.

I applaud those 200-plus lawyers who voted along with me as we stated what the AG has done and he must resign. We are not personal friends of the Attorney General. We are standing up for the red, white and black.



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