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View that the EBC not fair must change - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The motion of the Government to deal with the draft of the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) Order, 2021 in the House of Representatives on March 22, divided the PNM and UNC.

The PNM representatives supported the work of the EBC and commended it. However, the UNC and the Tobago nationalists were critical of the EBC.

This is nothing new. The Representation of the People Act on January 20, 1961, created the EBC with the election in December 1961. The dominant PNM continued in elections since.

There is the view that elections in TT are not fair in the democratic system; it is distorted. Dr Eric Williams, Patrick Solomon and the PNM are responsible for that - Black Power in 1970, army revolt in 1970, the "freedom fighters," etc.

UNC MP Khadijah Ameen on March 22 said that 'it is not a reflection of democracy…the size of the electoral district of Point Fortin is smaller than that of Chaguanas, but the PNM can win more seats even with less votes.' UNC MP Vandana Mohit said there is fragmentation in the context of the EBC.

In the election of December 1961, Albert Gomes wrote that "the Trinidad and Tobago constituencies had been scientifically gerrymandered, as one of Dr Williams's ministers had boasted to me. More so, the leadership of the Democratic Labour Party was inexperienced and inept' (Through a Maze of Columns, 1974, p215).

Dr Winston Mahabir said 'the delimitation of constituencies endorsed by the opposition was a knockout PNM punch scientifically administered long before election day…by show of lands or voting via satellite imagery we (PNM) won in 1961' (In and Out of Politics, 1975, p141).

Selwyn Ryan wrote that 'there is no doubt whatsoever in writer's (Ryan) mind that the constituencies were gerrymandered' (Race and Nationalism in Trinidad and Tobago, 1972, p245).

There is the view that since January 20, 1961, the EBC is not fair and that supported Eric Williams and the PNM. This must change.



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