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UTC simply must do better - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: I have been a card-holder with the Unit Trust Corporation (UTC ) for a number of years but recent changes have left me wondering whether they are progressing or regressing.

The number of ATMs at the branches at Arima, Woodbrook Place, head office and Arima have been reduced to only one and the machines have not been configured to accept deposits, so customers have to face the line inside the bank, which of course takes very long. All of this at a time when people are being encouraged to use ATMs and online banking.

I recently deposited a cheque at the UTC's branch in Trincity Mall and after not seeing the deposit showing up in my online banking, I was told it takes six working days for the deposit to SHOW in your account and ten days before one can actually access the funds deposited.

I laughed at this explanation and the UTC's customer service rep could offer no justification for this inordinate delay.

I am wondering if the UTC is really making changes to improve the service to its customers as they claim.

I mean, they have reduced the number of ATMs, are not accepting deposits at the ATMs, and have changed the format of the online statements, giving less information by not showing deposits in a timely manner.

Please, UTC, you need to improve your operations and service, and don't assume you have a monoply, because other financial businesses are offering similar services.



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