THE EDITOR: Like sod-turning ceremonies, what is the point of signing memorandums of understanding? Citizens still do not have water. In fact, shouldn't all state agencies be in partnerships because at the end of the day they all belong to the State?
Shouldn't WASA have a partnership with the Ministry of Works and Transport? So, WASA can indicate when it is going to fix leaks and the ministry can arrange to repave the roads immediately after.
Are MoUs another political public relations stunt?
Getting water to customers is not rocket science. There is no need for GIS (geographic information system). Citizens call and report leaks regularly. It is a known fact that we don't have a water supply problem, we have a distribution problem. So, when a citizen reports a leak, why doesn't WASA send a team to fix it? Then a team from the ministry or the respective corporation follows up with repaving the section of road that was dug up.
The NGC's worst nightmare is water, obviously due to its corrosion capabilities on its pipes, so it does everything possible to avoid water. So why would NGC want to share its expertise with WASA, whose focus is water 24/7?
The pipes are not an issue, it's the roads. The roads are doing damage to the pipes below. The roads cannot handle big trucks, according to Minister Rohan Sinanan. The foundations aren't evenly distributing the forces of vehicles either and when it rain the seeping water erodes the pipes below instead of running off, hence the cycle continues. The big trucks delivering water to residents' tanks are mashing up the very same roads.
The problem is not climate change either, the problem is the PNM.
The central government is obviously starving regional and borough corporations so they are forced to do sub-standard work or they have to rush to complete the work in two days before an election. Even though sometimes there is patching, it is always done so that the patch is raised in the hope that vehicles would flatten it.
This partnership is useless. WASA needs to work with Works and Transport, Public Utilities and Local Government to ensure water leaves the reservoirs and comes through our taps and fire hydrants without leaking through cracks and mashing up the roads.
Central government needs to release substantial funds for quality work, qualified and certified contractors and allow enough time for the work to be done properly.
The post Useless WASA,NGC partnership appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.