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Union boss on Petrotrin's closure: For Trinidad and Tobago to prosper, PNM must die - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


On the fifth anniversary of the closure of the state-owned Petrotrin refinery, members of the Oilfields Workers' Trade Union (OWTU) gathered at the Pointe-a-Pierre roundabout, expressing their disappointment and anger over the closure.

President general Ancel Roget addressed the 'blue shirt army,' saying information obtained via the Freedom of Information Act on the status of Paria Fuel Trading Company Ltd shows from October 2019 to September 2023, the state-owned company lost over US$ 2.6 billion.

He charged that instead of making foreign exchange, Paria is losing foreign exchange.

Roget repeatedly criticised the Dr Keith Rowley-led Government, saying the closure was politically motivated and not for economic reasons.

'At a time when refineries are making a windfall, 300 per cent and 400 per cent profit, our refinery is closed down,' Roget said.

'Alas, the eyes of the people are opening up because circumstances forced them to pay attention to what we have been saying for five years.'

November 30 marked five years since the closure of the Petrotrin refinery in Pointe-a-Pierre.

He said the 'natural consequences' of the 'bad decision' to close the refinery included the increase in gasoline, goods and services prices.

Roget added that the closure has also caused an increase in the unemployment rate nationwide, the abandonment of sporting facilities and crime.

The union leader added, 'It is not that Rowley and them are smart, it is we have too many stupid people.'

He also criticised PNM supporters, saying they blindly support the party.

He also referred to the PNM party as a cult, adding that no matter how much suffering people face, people continue to support the party.

'I don't want any PNM people to like me, to hug or thank me for anything. No. If you have to thank me for anything, thank me for talking the truth,' Roget said.

'If you want to challenge me, challenge me on the basis of facts, not some stupid old talk. I do not want you as friends. I have my family and my comrades. I want to be around to attend the funeral of the PNM.'

He said that for TT to live and prosper, the PNM must die.

He thanked four people, including University of the West Indies economist Dr Marlene Attzs and energy analyst Anthony Paul, for speaking "in the face of all adversities and condemnation" on the closure and its consequences on the former workers and, by extension, the nation.

In a recent online symposium, the two spoke about the lack of transparency and accountability at the root of the closure. Roget said she had been taking 'plenty blows' and was 'viciously attacked' for her stance.

Some retirees died because their medical plans were taken away.

He said retirees' pensions are in jeopardy, and people, directly and indirectly, continue to be affected by the closure.

'No other party but the PNM is responsible for taking away your job, your medical plans,' he said.

On the recently concluded Commission of Enquiry (CoE) in the Paria tragedy, Roget called on membe

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