Fox News host Tucker Carlson told viewers Monday that media personalities like CNN’s Don Lemon are equating the coronavirus with racism, leaving us “paranoid and divided.”
(RELATED: ‘This Is Insanity’: Tucker Carlson Questions The ‘Science’ Behind The Shutdown)
He said it was important not to focus on one group suffering more than others from the COVID-19 virus and that “seven out of 10 Americans [who] have died are outside the African-American community.”
“We need to be focusing our social concern and compassion and our public policy on everybody,” he continued, “whether it’s a meat packer in Nebraska who’s undocumented and doesn’t have access to government services or whether it’s a young African-American person in the hospital or a young white person.”
Jilani said the disease doesn’t choose its victims based on skin color and that “cherry picking statistics to kind of focus social concern only on one group risks dividing us at a time when we need to be united.”
President Donald Trump has recognized that coronavirus is affecting the black community to a greater degree than other groups in American society.