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Tomorrow can be a better day - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: I quote the words of composer Andrew Lloyd Webber: 'I can dream of the old days/Life was beautiful then/I remember the time I knew what happiness was/Let the memory live again.../Daylight/I must wait for the sunrise/I must think of a new life and/I mustn't give in/When the dawn comes/Tonight will be a memory too/And a new day will begin.'

Sometimes I wonder if I am in a dream. Can it be real that people without a reliable water supply amid a very rainy season are more interested in whether the Prime Minister accidentally bounced a person with a golf cart rather than the fact that someone is not doing the job they were elected to do?

Every pothole is a hazard not only to the vehicles but to the people trying to manoeuvre around it. There are potholes aplenty in every community.

I wonder why are there no videos of potholes? Where are the mention and videos of dry pipes? Where are the videos of leaking WASA pipelines?

If the people of TT can for a moment stop the focus on the bacchanal and focus on the governance of the country, then the politicians would have no choice but to focus there as well.

If, on the other hand, we get excited every time something negative is said about Dr Rowley or Kamla Persad-Bissessar, then the negatives will be the focus of our politicians. After all, they don't vote themselves into office. They depend on the majority to put them there. Thus they listen to what the majority are saying and react in a way that pleases their supporters.

There were many who are very pleased with the standards of our politicians in the Parliament and outside. They are not concerned about allegations of corruption, they are not concerned about integrity and moreover they are concerned about the quality of their service to citizens.

Those people are focused on whether the leader is of their ancestry, whether they are loud and aggressive enough, whether they can make the other leaders look bad and whether they can in some way personally benefit from that leader being in office. Consequently, the leaders react in a manner that pleases these people.

The result is an almost total disregard for justice in a timely manner, poor infrastructure, a non-effective governance system, nepotism, cronyism and a perpetuation of incompetence and divisiveness.

The daylight must come, we must dream of a new day. We must change our focus. The dawn must come, and this dark period of divisiveness and incompetence must be nothing but a memory too.

Let the new day begin with you focusing on that which is best for TT. Focus on the ills and praise the good. Leave the bacchanal behind.


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