If you’re interested in sharing your opinion on any cultural, political or personal topic, create an account here and check out our how-to post to learn more. ____ At the start of the new millennium, the unforgettable Black sitcom Girlfriends aired and, with a heavy hand, poured solace and hope into the Black community. The ‘90s had concluded and Girlfriends would serve as the primary source of beautiful Blackness celebrated — specifically for Black women. That is until the series finale aired on February 11, 2008. And since then, television as we knew it hasn't been the same. We still remember the classic scenes, like Joan excessively orchestrating rehearsals for the friends in preparation for Christmas caroling. We can’t forget when Lynn dressed up as a miming Tin Man, and when our girl Maya became an author. And we will laugh eternally when we reflect on the short jokes Toni made about her husband, Todd. The sitcom, though filmed in California, resonated with Black women all...