If you’re interested in sharing your opinion on any cultural, political or personal topic, create an account here and check out our how-to post to learn more. Opinions are the writer’s own and not those of Blavity's. ____ As the world’s eyes and ears focused on rhetoric from the White House, during the Trump Administration, about building a wall to keep Mexicans and other Latinos out, a wall of a different sort was under construction. This one wasn't to keep “outsiders” away. It was to keep “insiders” out. Often, the architects are found inside the clerk’s office at the local courthouse. The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right of an accused to a trial by an impartial jury. Present-day litigation claims some courts violate the amendment by facilitating a jury selection process that excludes prospective jurors of color. Despite a documented disparity of minority presence on juries, some courts defend their practices, insisting that relying on voter registration records and...