A new detailed analysis just released from the hub of Italy’s Covid-19 outbreak found 10 cases of a Kawasaki disease-like illness in children, adding to reports of about 90 similar cases from New York and England.
Kawasaki disease is a rare condition that typically affects children younger than five years old.
Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome or PMIS is a new health condition that has started appearing in children during the pandemic and it shares similar symptoms to Kawasaki disease, marked by a persistent fever that lasts several days, inflammation and poor function in one or more organs.
A new study, published in the medical journal The Lancet on Wednesday, found a significant rise in the number of cases of the syndrome in the Bergamo province of Italy shortly after the coronavirus pandemic spread to the region.
The researchers found that while only 19 children had been diagnosed with the condition in the area in the five years preceding the middle of February, there were 10 cases diagnosed since then, all between March 17 and April 14, which was after the coronavirus pandemic spread to the region.