MONTEGO BAY, St James — The need for physical distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic did not prevent several passengers arriving on six flights from various US destinations, at the Sangster International Airport here yesterday, from greeting their loved ones with hugs and kisses.
As Johnson waited patiently in the arrival area at the Montego Bay airport yesterday, she told the Observer that anxiety got the better of her on Sunday night.
We took a bus to Ocho Rios, then one from 'Ochi' Rios to Montego Bay, and we got here before 10:00 am although Aneif's flight was not supposed to land until about 12:30 pm,” said Johnson.
“I am very excited, I have been at home in Orlando for three months,” said Reliford, who arrived on an American Airlines flight yesterday.
The island's airports were closed to international flights for about three months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, effectively shuttering Jamaica's tourism industry.