Barbadians and visitors to the island who will be participating in the climax of the 2022 Crop Over season this weekend are being advised to stay hydrated, drink responsibly, wear sunblock, and not to attend events if they are feeling unwell.This is some of the advice coming from General Practitioner Dr Dionne Johnson, who urged Barbadians to do what is necessary to have a safe and enjoyable weekend.She told Barbados TODAY that party goers and spectators, who intend to be on the road Kadooment Day, must maintain their baseline hydration. She explained that the amount of water a person should be consuming per day depends on their body weight.“You want to start by taking your weight and dividing it by two and that gives you the number of ounces of water you should drink for the day. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds you should divide that by two and that gives you 70 ounces which is equivalent of two liters per day. So you want to make sure that you go into Crop Over weekend already hydrated to your baseline,” she said.