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Sudan: Corona Virus Infection Cases Rise to (2728)

Khartoum — The Federal Ministry of Health announced the registration of (137) new cases of infection with Corona virus, in addition to (6) deaths.

The fatalities registered, (3) deaths in Khartoum State and (two deaths) in Al Gazira State, (one death) in the River Nile State from the previously reported cases, which brings the total number of the infection cases of corona virus since the beginning of the pandemic in Sudan to (2728) cases, including (111) deaths.

the cumulative total number of cases of infection with corona virus since the beginning of the pandemic in Sudan, according to the affected states, Khartoum (2208) cases, the Al Gazira (143) cases, North Kordofan (88), Gedaref (84) cases, Sennar (66) cases, South Darfur (25), Kassala (30) ), West Darfur (14), North Darfur (12), River Nile (10), Northern state (13) cases, White Nile (8) West Kordufan (6), East Darfur (6), Blue Nile (4), Al Red Sea (6), South Kordufan (3).

The federal ministry of health registered the recovery of (39) cases, including (24) in Sennar state (13) in Khartoum state, in addition to (one case) in both Al-Gazira the Northern state, bringing the total number of cases of recovery to (286).

The Ministry indicated the daily laboratory examination carried out for (234) samples in the National Laboratory for Public Health (STAC) , of which (125) cases were positive for the first time with a positive rate of 54.8%, (42) samples were also examined in the Blue Nile Institute laboratory, of which (9) Of them positive for the first time, with a positive rate of 21%, and (5) samples were examined in the central laboratory of the state of the Red Sea, of which (3) cases were positive for the first time with a positive rate of 75%.

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