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Stroking egos of the unvaccinated - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: It is not what you say, it is how you say it. Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly Farley Augustine can now be viewed as an esteemed public relations officer extraordinaire. Without mincing too many words he strokes the egos of Tobagonians most reluctant to take the covid19 vaccines.

Tobagonians cannot earn money if visitors will not enter a country where the citizens are not vaccinated. The bigger picture involves engaging citizens to be vaccinated.

Tourism is the lifeblood of Tobago. The cruise liners are not going to let their customers set foot in Tobago. A vaccinated First World will not be visiting an under-vaccinated Third World. That is an indelible fact of life in 2022 and beyond.

We need the Chief Secretary in Trinidad to help convince a slew of people who refuse to come on board for the sake of either the economy or their families.

Being fully vaccinated is of extreme necessity for the children to safely return to school. Public sector workers who continue to refuse vaccinations were given a government lifeline that extends to mid-February. Will they comply or continue to commit personal financial suicide?

Tobago has only 60,000 citizens. Easier to go door-to-door talking to the vaccine recalcitrant. With only an approximate 700,000 people vaccinated in Trinidad, we do not have the time to go door-to-door stroking egos like in Tobago. Time is of the essence.

Who really cares that more than 3,320 citizens have died due to covid19? Only their relatives and friends?


Diego Martin

The post Stroking egos of the unvaccinated appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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