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Rhythms of peace - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


THE INTERNATIONAL Day of Peace, also known as World Peace Day, is a UN-sanctioned observance held annually on September 21. This year celebrates the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly's adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. In recognition of this significant milestone, the theme for 2024 is 'Cultivating a Culture of Peace,' focusing on fostering global harmony, mutual understanding, and sustainable conflict resolution through the promotion of peaceful values.

Amid rising geopolitical conflicts and lingering tension, cultivating a culture of peace - particularly in the minds of children, youth and community - is imperative, through means such as art, culture and sport. In Trinidad and Tobago, a culturally rich Caribbean country with its well-known Carnival and other cultural activities, young people are actively engaged in fostering a spirit of peace within the nation.

When people are asked, "What does peace mean to you?" the answers often vary, ranging from living a life free of debt or enjoying a beach vacation to experiencing tranquillity or simply a state of no war. While the meaning of peace differs from person to person, a shared perspective is that without peace our lives are marked by conflict, violence and instability.

The rich and diverse culture of TT is a source of national pride, uniting its citizens. This spirit of unity is evident in the country's vibrant festivals such as Carnival, as well as in its sport and music.

However, the rising rates of crime and violence in sweet TT and across the Caribbean highlight the urgent need to cultivate a culture of peace. Perhaps it is time for us to harness our rich culture and embrace the energy of our youth to harness and inspire innovative and creative approaches to fostering peaceful communities.

Historically, Carnival has symbolised freedom and resistance against oppression. Today, it has evolved into a celebration that unites people of all backgrounds, where everyone can "palance" and "dingolay" while showcasing our vibrant culture.

Carnival production artist Sudesh Ramsaran explains that Carnival fosters peace by highlighting cultural expression: 'My work is deeply rooted in our identity, fostering a greater understanding and respect for our culture as we share it with the world.'

Kiddies Carnival, in particular, is an artistic celebration that plays a vital role in shaping the experience of our culture to youth. Terrence La Caille, Kiddies Carnival bandleader for La Ta Caille Kidz, views Kiddies Carnival as a platform where art and culture serve to unify and inspire peace.

He believes that, through the eyes of children, Carnival reveals its true essence. Their natural ability to bring smiles to people's faces creates a shared sense of joy and unity. As La Caille notes, "the true magic of Carnival lies in its ability to bring people together in celebration of our culture, with children's smiles leading the way."

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