Once again, we find ourselves confronting a very familiar and frequent problem in America: an African-American male is killed by a rogue police officer resulting in lawful, peaceful protests and sporadic looting and burning.
The small minority of police officers, chiefs and sheriffs who participate in and condone the acts that consistently bring us to this place, protests, and disruption, should not be allowed to remain in the profession.
Like law enforcement administrators who refuse to hold their officers accountable or promulgate policies and procedures that protect life — police and citizens — elected federal, state and municipal officials, also have dirty hands.
For the first time in my career, law enforcement administrators, police officers, and union officials openly condemn the officers’ actions in Minneapolis and call for reform.
Body cameras, accountability, progressive use of force policies, affordable housing, living wages, advocacy for health care, closing the achievement gap and juror willingness to convict police officers when warranted are a must and will rob looters of a platform and prevent unjustified killings of black males and police officers.