Radio Sputnik’s “The Critical Hour” Interviews Journalist Kim Ives about the UN Security Council Vote to Approve a Non-UN Invasion of Haiti and the Massacre River Canal
Haiti Liberte
In their Oct. 4, 2023 podcast, Garland Nixon and Dr. Wilmer Leon of Radio Sputnik’s “The Critical Hour” interviewed Haïti Liberté journalist Kim Ives about the UN Security Council's 13 out of 15 vote on Oct. 2, 2023 to approve the intervention into Haiti of a non-UN force called the 'Multinational Security Support' mission (MSS), […]
The post Radio Sputnik’s “The Critical Hour” Interviews Journalist Kim Ives about the UN Security Council Vote to Approve a Non-UN Invasion of Haiti and the Massacre River Canal first appeared on Haiti Liberte.
The post Radio Sputnik’s “The Critical Hour” Interviews Journalist Kim Ives about the UN Security Council Vote to Approve a Non-UN Invasion of Haiti and the Massacre River Canal appeared first on Haiti Liberte written by Haiti Liberte.