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Praise healthcare heroes for vital role - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The pandemic continues on the rampage as we become ever more exasperated, concerned about an uncertain future or else apathetic. But are we overlooking that we are all united in the pandemic's effects and this is in fact a prime time for us to be not only our brother's keeper, but to give praise where praise is due, to the heroes of the day, healthcare workers, for the vital role they play as the most valuable resource of our health?

How often do we actually consider the occupational hazardous environment they work in? With covid19, they are working unstintingly, suffering from pandemic fatigue, not helped by the discomfort of wearing cumbersome personal protective equipment (PPE); dealing with not only the personal risk of infection, but fear of transmission to family members; offering comfort to severely ill and dying patients isolated from families; constantly exposed to diseases; to chemical radiation; heavy lifting; standing for long periods; long working hours; shifts; cuts and post-traumatic stress.

This aside, they fare no better than the general population when it comes to non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular illness, but carry on regardless, caring and servicing the sick and ailing.

Witnessing the diligent work first-hand during my vaccine jab, I was impressed with the smooth, efficient operation of the Canaan Health Centre in Tobago. Predominantly staffed by women, it was not surprising to learn that 70 per cent of women comprise global health and social care workers.

As we strive to cope physically and psychologically, this is a crucial time for solidarity as a nation, as we abide by the health regulations and utilise the benefit of the vaccine to conquer the foe that is covid19.


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