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NWRHA drivers want ambulances sanitised better, more often - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Ambulance drivers for the North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA) are calling for their ambulances to be sanitised more often and thoroughly,

They say they have raised the issue repeatedly since the beginning of the covid19 pandemic last year.

Speaking with Newsday on Thursday, one ambulance worker said despite repeated discussions and complaints to NWRHA officials, they are no closer to having their vehicles sanitised more thoroughly.

The worker also said they have asked the RHA to provide disinfectants and sanitiser, without success, and that drivers have been threatened with disciplinary action by managers for refusing to transport patients in ambulances.

"The most important thing is our health and safety. We have no problem doing our duties, but we're not getting the necessary support to ensure our own safety.

"The Prime Minister himself said to treat everyone as if they have covid, but we're not getting adequate sanitising done in the ambulances."

Another ambulance worker said the ambulances used by the NWRHA have a partition between the driver's compartment and where patients travel, but there are spaces where air could seep through.

He also took issue with a lack of showers for drivers at the Port of Spain General Hospital

"There's no way for workers to clean themselves after transporting sick patients all day. They just have to get back in their cars at the end of their shifts and go back home to their families, with God alone knows what on their clothing.

"I know that the Mt Hope Hospital has a laundry steam machine, but besides steam there also has to be disinfectants.

"The washing of the ambulance is only done on the outside...

"I don't think people understand how serious this is. Drivers have to transport people from all over our area, whether it's a guy going for a CT scan or a pregnant woman going to the maternity ward."

Newsday understands the Public Services Association is expected to meet with the hospital administrator on the situation on Friday.

Newsday contacted NWRHA CEO Salisha Baksh, who asked for questions to be sent by e-mail.

No response had been given up to press time.

The post NWRHA drivers want ambulances sanitised better, more often appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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