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Kamla: Entire PSC membership should resign in shame - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is calling on the entire membership of the Police Service Commission (PSC) to resign "in shame," for the crisis surrounding the appointment of a substantive police commissioner, the appointment of someone to act in that position and the "scandal" of two police officers acting at the same time, as police commissioner.

Speaking at the UNC's weekly Monday Night Forum virtual meeting, she said the bypassing of Parliament to appoint a police commissioner and an acting police commissioner has led to a constitutional crisis.

She said that chairman of the PSC, Bliss Seepersad, has many questions to answer including, "did it act unlawfully in sending a letter to Mr Griffith saying (he’s) acting?” She claimed there are two acting police commissioners at the same time – a first in TT’s history.

She questioned whether the PSC sent a merit list in writing for the acting and substantive (police commissioner) positions to the President as legally required.

“Did the President receive the letter? Did the President act on the letter,” Persad-Bissessar asked.

“Our information is, it is alleged, the President did receive a merit list with respect to the acting position dated on or about August 12. My information is that the President did acknowledge that she did receive (it).

“So then, why did the President not send the notification to the Parliament? Because such an appointment has to be approved by the House (of Representatives).

“Office of the President, I am calling on you, tell us you didn’t get the merit list. Tell us you didn’t do a merit list."

Persad-Bissessar said she holds no brief for former police commissioner Griffith, but is concerned about the process used to appoint an acting police commissioner.

“There is a process for an acting CoP. So did (the PSC) act unlawfully in sending a letter to Mr Griffith saying 'you’re acting…you’re not the man to act.' Was that legal? Did you have that authority? I say 'no, you did not have that authority to appoint Mr Gary Griffith. That appointment would only come after approval from the Parliament.”

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