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My name is Lasana Liburd, and I’ve enjoyed directing the Arima North Secondary football programme more than anything else I’ve done professionally, even writing satire as Mr Live Wire.

I’ve moved around the East-West Corridor but spent most of my adolescence in Arima Old Road and consider myself an Arimian.

Once I’m no more than ten minutes’ drive from Rufina’s Doubles at the Dial, I’m happy.

My parents divorced and my mom decided to make do however she could. So we were essentially off the grid.

Our lodgings improved a lot after, but, being a child, you don’t feel the hardship of situations the way adults do. I was quite happy.

I live now in Darwill Gardens in Arima and its environs.

But in the “environs” part.

I grew up with my mom, Yolanda Morea, and two sisters, Soyini and Sekayi.

You’d think that should make me really knowledgeable about women. Most times, I feel as though I know about as much as Jon Snow.

I live with my very significant other, Lou-Ann Sankar, and our three children.

The first two, Aaliyah and Ashlee, I inherited. My daughter with Lulu is Lael.

St Mary’s College was exciting and taught me loads of life lessons – not all good – but I did A-Levels at Arima Senior Comprehensive.

I’d played for CIC at U-14 and U-16 level. I fancied myself a secret football star and wanted to shine for what was a really formidable football school at the time.

Unfortunately, my skills seem to have remained secret!

After A-Levels, I had three months as a teacher at Elizabeth’s College, my grandparents’ school.

At 19, I got a chance to intern at the Trinidad Guardian, so I quit the family teaching job… It was journalism that lit a fire under me.

I never played organised football until CIC. If I’d remained there, I’d have been in the reckoning for the First XI, with all the Moze brothers, Lyndon Andrews, etc.

I could tell you at least one very hairy story involving a Saints Old Boy who is a sitting minister. But that’s a long time ago and people mature.

I was raised as a Christian – but that meant little more than grace before meals.

In form three, my good CIC friend Joel Nanton introduced me to those Billy Graham cartoon books, and I started attending church.

But as a young adult, religion didn’t have the same appeal.

If God is real, religious people have the rest of the world beat. But even if it isn’t, it might still be a healthier mental retreat than alcohol.

I know I’m not smart enough to have all the answers. So I don’t rule anything out.

Two decades ago, I’d drive to Maracas at night and relax with the beach to myself. That wouldn’t be so relaxing any more, with the crime rate.

To help offset hours spent in front of my laptop, I walk along the Priority Bus Route for 90 minutes -two hours, starting between 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm.

I dance every chance I get. Much to Lael’s embarrassment.

I love music more than just about every other pleasure.

But you can hardly get me to stick to one genre. I love calypso, dancehall, reggae, jazz, R&B,

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