The Barbados YouthADVANCE Corps (BYAC) recently hosted its Parents Orientation Meeting for Cohort 5 at the Ellerslie Secondary School. The September 17 programme for parents, guardians and trainees provided an opportunity for the Barbados YouthADVANCE Corps team to meet and share its mandate giving greater insight into the two-year dynamic programme.Director of the Barbados YouthADVANCE Corps, Hally Haynes, informed parents and trainees that the programme demanded a huge financial commitment from government of some 12 million dollars to cover programming and operational costs and the monthly stipend of $600 allocated to each trainee, to offset the cost of transportation to the various programmes, meals and uniforms. Haynes made a call for parents to partner with the programme, and trainees to demonstrate their appreciation through their reliability and commitment to attend and fully participate in all activities and assignments.