After airing the ninth episode of its History 101 documentary series, Netflix removed it after angry protests from Haitian Americans on Saturday.
For Brun, who has made a name for himself blending traditional Haitian beats with electronic music, and Wanda Tima, the founder of L’Union Suite, the popular Haitian-American social media platform, the AIDS documentary was ill-timed and a not so great decision at a time when blacks are taking to the streets to demand a change in the way they are perceived.
Tima, the founder of L’Union Suite and the Haitian-American Facebook page, said the mobilization to force Netflix to pull the episode was “ a collective effort.”
“I posted everything I could find out about it,” said Tima, who also asked her platform’s 300,000 followers on Facebook, as well as those on Instagram and Twitter to contact everyone at ITN Productions and Netflix associated with the film to get it removed.
In 2017, President Donald Trump felt the wrath of the community following a New York Times story that he described Haitian immigrants as having AIDS during an anti-immigration rant with top advisers in the Oval Office.