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Nalis hosts 100 Years of Kitchener exhibition - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

The sweet sounds of Lord Kitchener’s Pan in A Minor serenade the viewers as they enter the rotunda of the National Library, Port of Spain, where the National Library and Information System Authority (Nalis) is paying tribute to the calypsonian with its exhibition 100 years of Kitch.

A biography of Aldwyn "Lord Kitchener" Roberts, known as The Grandmaster, details the major events of his life, from his birth in Arima in 1922, his early performances between 1936 and 1939, and his involvement with the Roving Brigade, the Victory Tent, and The Young Brigade.

It chronicles his years overseas in Aruba, Curacao, Jamaica and London, including his “storming” of the Lord’s cricket pitch when the West Indies cricket team won their match against England, as well as his return to Trinidad in 1963, following which he won the Road March in 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1975, and 1976, a record which has yet to be equalled. His music was the choice of many Panorama winners over many years, and has been reinterpreted for many instrumental and vocal arrangements.

[caption id="attachment_946560" align="alignnone" width="746"] A photo of Lord Kitchener carefully placing his left foot into the cement during a footprint ceremony. Photo by Ayanna Kinsale[/caption]

The exhibition further showcases Kitchener’s awards, including his refusal of the Chaconia Award in 1993, his being featured on postage stamps in 1994, the erection of a statue of him in St James in 1995, and the honorary doctorate University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) posthumously awarded him in 2017.

Roberts died of cancer in 2000.

His memory is preserved in the museum Rainorama Palace, at his former home at 610 Diego Martin Main Road, Diego Martin.

On display are pictures of Kitchener with other legendary performers such as Beryl McBurnie and Drupatee Ramgoonai, as well as performing, relaxing, and reading. Visitors can also view original vinyl records, CDs of his music, medals and awards given to Kitchener during his lifetime and posthumously, and biographies and other books featuring and including mention of the Grandmaster.

[caption id="attachment_946561" align="alignnone" width="1024"] The Lord Kitchener Klassic Kitchener Volume Three on display at the Rotunda of the National Library Building, Abercromby Street, Port of Spain. Photo by Ayannna Kinsale[/caption]

Of special interest are the gold record presented to Kitchener by Charlie’s Record Shop in New York after his song Sugar Bum Bum sold 500,000 copies; the keys and licence plate of the last car driven by the Grandmaster; and a pair of his reading glasses.

The exhibition also features displays on the origins of Carnival, including both the French and African contributions to the festival

It also features a history of calypso music, its origins in the Canboulay, and its evolution.

The exhibition runs until April 19 and entry is free.

[caption id="attachment_946562" align="alignnone" width="1024"] A photo the late Aldwyn "Lord Kitchener" Roberts on display at the Rotunda

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