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Met Office: Expect worse weather Wednesday night - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

TRINIDAD and Tobago can expect a worsening of weather on Wednesday, continuing overnight.

The bad weather is linked to a developing storm east of the country in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Met Office reiterated this in its adverse weather alert No 2 (yellow level) on Wednesday morning, after a similar warning on Tuesday. Both alerts are valid from Wednesday at 5 am until Thursday at 8 pm.

It said, "Showers and isolated thunderstorms associated with active tropical waves continue to affect TT and surrounding waters.

"While the intensity of the weather will fluctuate, an increase in activity is expected overnight Wednesday into Thursday morning in some areas with rainfall being heavy/torrential at times."

The new alert said the system has a high potential (70 per cent) for further development over the next two days.

"Rainfall accumulations of 75-125 mm are expected in some areas and gusty winds in excess of 70km/hr are possible vicinity of thunderstorms. Street or flash flood events and landslips are likely in areas of heavy downpours.

"Impacts can include larger than normal waves and choppy seas in the vicinity of gusts. Trees, tree branches and loose objects can be displaced during strong winds. Flooding and landslips can lead to infrastructure damage in areas so prone."

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) issued a public advisory which included precautionary recommendations for people to follow.

Firstly, people should know and reduce their risks. They should follow official sources of information such as the ODPM and reduce hazards in and around their property such as overhanging trees, clogged drains, unsecured roof sheeting and any items that can become missiles during high winds.

Secondly, people should make/review their emergency/business continuity plan. To do this they should discuss with family members what actions to take if affected by hazards caused by adverse weather; make contact information available to family members; and discuss easily accessible and safe locations to meet in the event of being separated.

Thirdly, they should prepare emergency resources. This includes emergency supplies to last at least three-seven days; covid19 precautionary items such as masks, gloves and hand sanitisers; and important documents stored in a waterproof bag.

Fourthly people should get involved and help others, by taking action around their property such as clearing gutters and drains, and assisting neighbours and the elderly with preparedness.

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