One of the most effective ways to get the attention of young people regarding important issues that they face is through their peers.That’s what students from The Lodge School’s Art Department are hoping to achieve by using murals to not only beautify the school plant but also share powerful messages about children’s rights and responsibilities, as well as female empowerment among the student body.At a recent ceremony to unveil the murals at the Massiah Street, St. John school, student artists Donelia Nicholls and Felicity Pollard hoped the murals would inspire and encourage other students.Nicholls’ artwork is titled “Female Empowerment” and it was painted in the girls’ bathroom. This location, she explained, was not chosen by happenchance. In fact, following a discussion with a friend while in lower sixth form, Nicholls said she learned that the bathroom was where most people went to be alone or when they felt lonely. Hence, she chose to place her mural in there so it could be viewed somewhat as a non-intrusive counsellor who shares encouraging messages and it directs students to agencies that would better serve their needs.