Suddenly, everyone wants to make their relationships official, so much so that the Attorneys General office at Sheria House suspended all marriage services till further notice, due to being overwhelmed by the huge numbers.
Before the massive blow from Sheria House to couples, there were already signs of aggressiveness exhibited by couples who wanted to formalise their union albeit the fact that their plans were unceremoniously put on hold due to Covid-19.
Not willing to allow years of preparation for their big day be postponed some couples decided to go ahead and tie the knot without the presence of their relatives and only have a few witnesses and the pastor.
Is it that due to the physical and social distancing rule, couples dating have realised that they cannot maintain the distancing required by the government.
When all those people from the village fill up a whole bus to come to the city and celebrate a couple's wedding, it is not because they had nothing else to do that particular day.