Juneteenth Week is a 7-day series of curated, action-focused events along with social media challenges celebrating Blackness.
Juneteenthwk invites you to join in the celebration as they kick-off their first-ever virtual summit to celebrate Juneteenth, affectionately known as “Freedom Day.”
The seven-day virtual celebration will be held June 15-21, 2020 created and organized by Allanté V. Whitmore, founder of Blk + In Grad School, Chelsea Sloan, Seun Oyewole and Andreya J. Davis.
Each day, subject matter experts will tackle these various topics directly related to the Black experience as speakers, panelists, and activists culminating with a call-to-action to continue the celebration of Blackness into the future.
The organizers stated, “Our purpose is to provide a 7-day series of curated, action-focused events along with social media challenges celebrating Blackness on the anniversary of our liberation from slavery.”