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Joel Young-Strong appointed ITP Cadet by World Netball - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


TRINIDADIAN netball umpire Joel Young-Strong has been given International Netball Umpire Award (INUA) Testing Panel (ITP) Cadet status, following a recommendation from the Trinidad and Tobago Netball Association (TTNA) in line with World Netball procedures.

The International Netball Federation (INF) officially announced the new appointment on their website on Wednesday. Young-Strong is currently one of two Cadets from the Americas region and the third Trinidadian to be awarded this position (following Anne-Marie Dixon-Lewis and Brenda Prince). In an interview with Newsday on Friday, she said,'This takes me to another level of umpiring. It gives me the opportunity to reach and teach current and aspiring umpires around the world to get to the top level like I did. I will be able to impact people both regionally and internationally. Having that ability is an honour.'

Young-Strong is now in her 13th year of umpiring at international level after being promoted to the INF in 2008. She began her career in 1982 at Mucurapo Junior Secondary School, coached by Marlene Gilmott, where she successfully took the netball umpires recruitment examination. She was later noticed by the Caribbean Netball Association (CNA) at an under-16 tournament and 'the rest was history.'

Her experience as an international umpire includes two INF World Cups (Australia 2011 and England 2015), the 2010 Commonwealth Games in India and three Constellation Cups in Australia and New Zealand.

In her new role as an ITP Cadet, she will be responsible for maintaining and enhancing the standard of umpiring internationally (in collaboration with the ITP) according to any criteria and guidelines set by INF. Some of these responsibilities include:

• reviewing and assessing current International Umpires' Award (IUA) umpires appointed to international fixtures

• coaching and development of international umpires (both current and potential)

• actively seeking and participating in National or Regional netball events as an umpire coach

• assessing the suitability of recommendations for International Talent Identified Umpires (ITID) Status and screening of candidates for the IUA including any umpires who hold or have previously held the International Umpires' Award (IUA)

• recommending umpires for international events

• ensuring all data and information pertaining to international umpiring remains confidential

When asked about what was required from her to get the new job, Young-Strong responded, 'I had to be very good at what I do. I'm experienced, knowledgeable and capable of teaching other umpires.' Locally, she has already guided two young umpires - Lilia Cameron and Joel Brown - to international status. She then added that there is hope for the future of umpiring in TT.

'Through this, the future of umpiring in Trinidad and Tobago has a bright future. I am currently conducting a development programme for new umpires, preparing them to successfully go through every stage required to reach the top level. I try to be rela

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