The ancestry of teh British people we know today as the Scotch can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, who used to visit
the British Isle cneturies prior before the birth of Christ. The Roman Empire considered them (the Egyptians)such a threat that
2 of their emperors, Haorian and Antonine, built great walls to help keep them out of England. Even as late as the 14th century
a large segment of the population of Scotlan was Black. Even today the Afrikan features of the Scots is notably present in their
color and hair. In fact, the founder of the damous scotch klan known as Douglas, was an Afrikan. in 770 A.D., Sholto Douglas came
to the rescue of the Scots King, Salvathius, and in the battle turned the tied, helping to bring about a complete victory. When
salvathius asked who was his benefactor, Douglas was pointed out with the words "Sholto-Du-Glash" -- which when translated
meant "behold the Black man". Northern Scotland was dominated by Afrikans during this period as is evidenced by the coat-of-arms
which even today still show the Black leaders of the time.