Persons who would like to register a child who is under 18 years of age as a British citizen should use the form MN1.
Persons should use this form if they live in the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or a British overseas territory and would like to apply to register a child under 18 years of age as a British citizen if they qualify through birth or adoption.
Please note that if persons are residing in the United Kingdom and apply online, most of them will be able to keep their documents while their application is processed.
Having completed the form, they should then send the completed form, payment slip, including the fee and their documents, to:
• The lieutenant governor, if residing in the Channel Islands or Isle of Man;
•The governor of the territory, if residing in a British overseas territory;
• UK Visas and Immigration at the following postal address, if residing elsewhere:
Please be aware that if persons do not live in the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or a British overseas territory, they can apply online.
Those persons can get help to make their online application if they are in the United Kingdom and if they do not have the appropriate access, skills or confidence to complete an online immigration application form.