It’s been 17 years since Superbad was released in 2007, and this quirky teen comedy remains an adored component of the genre. The story, written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, follows best friends of the same name, portrayed by Jonah Hill and Michael Cera, as they face their fast-approaching graduation and the realization that they will be attending different colleges. As with many high seniors, the boys concoct a mischievous plan to provide alcohol for a friend’s party with the help of friend Fogell, who obtains a fake ID. Fogell successfully purchases the liquor under the now-famous moniker “McLovin.” However, after the liquor purchase, things began to unravel quickly. “McLovin” encounters robbers, and responding officers agree to chauffeur him to the party. Meanwhile, pal Seth is struck by a separate driver, who promises to take Seth and Evan to a different party where they can readily get all the alcohol they want. The night quickly takes several unexpected and hilarious...