The Olympic games are one of the most dynamic events in our world. A collection of most of the world’s countries, uniting in competition. It’s always fascinating to watch such an array of different political beliefs performing under one law, which is the law of their respective disciplines of sport. We witness South and North Koreans interacting with one another for instance. We have footage of Jesse Owens winning at the 1936 games in Berlin with Hitler present. It truly is one of the most scratch-your-head type events to experience. But with the heightened social climate in this world, amplified by the advent of social media, public consciousness has changed. It too has heightened. And as Americans, with our issues, we at times find it tough to be patriotic. Here in the U.S., we still have battles over rights for women and the safety of Black people, politically. Many times the vehement calls for new legislation follow a major atrocity. Many times, it’s violent killings at the...