Wakanda News Details

Govt increases evacuation centres in Manicaland

BY KENNETH NYANGANI GOVERNMENT has increased evacuation centres in Manicaland province from 260 to 464 in the wake of tropical storm Cyclone Chalane which is expected to hit the country tomorrow. In a daily update with NewsDay yesterday Manicaland provincial development coordinator and Civil Protection Unit chairperson Edgar Seenza also said only six people have remained at Copa area where Cylone Idai hit hard last year. He said soldiers have already been deployed in some centres in the province’s seven district while helicopters are on standby in Harare to assist affected people. “We have increased the evacuation centres from 260 to 464 centres as of today (yesterday) as we are preparing for the worst not for the least, we are taking today (yesterday) as our last day because we are assuming that heavy rains might start tomorrow (today),” he said “It the Cyclone Chalane starts there will be no room for movement, let’s assume that bridges and roads will be swept away, l think Cyclone Idai taught us a lesson,” he said “Most people are now are of the tropical storm even in Mahenye in the Southern tip of Zimbabwe are now aware,” he said “We have our troops ready and deployed, we have also helicopters standby in Harare, the sub aqua unit from the army and police is now ready and they keen to respond to any eventuality,” he said “There is one thing that you need to note is that only six people have remained at Copa, they are not resisting from being moved but we will evacuate them to St Patricks High School,” he said The government has already started to provide security and healthcare in evacuation centres in the seven districts where scores of people are set to be relocated in the event Cyclone Chalane hits the country as expected. However Seenza also applauded the media for keeping Zimbabweans updated on the tropical storm. “I want to thank the print and electronic media for making people aware of the tropical storm, media is doing a great job and I am actually happy,” he said. l Follow Kenneth on Twitter @KennethNyangan1

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