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Funeral Saturday for child crushed by gate - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

FIVE-YEAR-OLD Krystal Laloon who died after a gate fell on her and her cousin two weeks ago, will be cremated on Saturday.

Krystal succumbed to her injuries at about 1 am at the Sangre Grande District Hospital on February 7. One day earlier, she and her cousin Kavish Jaimungal, also five, were struck when the gate at the family’s Sangre Chiquito home came off its tracks.

Police said the incident took place at about 3.35 pm. The children were in the yard when someone attempted to open the gate which fell and pinned both children.

Both were taken to the Sangre Grande hospital before Jaimungal was transferred to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex.


While the children were being taken to the Sangre Grande Hospital the vehicle they were in crashed and a passing motorist took the children to the hospital.

[caption id="attachment_940397" align="alignnone" width="576"] LUCKY ESCAPE: This photo, provided to Newsday by his father Ravi Jaimungal, shows young Kavish Jaimungal, five, who was pinned by a gate which also injured his cousin Krystal Laloon, five, who subsequently died of her injuries. -[/caption]

Krystal’s body will be brought to the family’s home for 11 am before cremation.

Her cousin, who was discharged from hospital on Monday, will not be attending the farewell service.

The child’s father, Ravi Jaimungal told Newsday that based on the advice of the doctors, he and his wife Indira have not yet told their son that Krystal had died.

“He has been asking for her and is worried about how she is doing, but doctors advised not to tell him as yet because of the stress it may cause and we agree.”

Jaimungal said his son suffered multiple facial fractures, a broken nose, laceration on the head and cuts and bruises. He said his son is expected to make a full recovery adding that he is now enrolled in three outpatient clinics as a result of the extent of his injuries.

“I just want to say thanks to the man who took the children to the hospital after the van they were in crashed. I didn’t get a name or anything but thank you sir. I am also happy for all the prayers and well wishes that we got,” Jaimungal said adding that he too had to receive medical attention after seeing his son in hospital.


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