Seattle children ages 1 through 18 years will enjoy free breakfasts, lunches, and snacks once again this summer through the Seattle Human Services Department’s (HSD) Summer Food Service Program, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
From July 6 through August 21, 2020, free meals will be made available at no charge to children across the City.
“Children and youth need access to healthy, nutritious food year-round to help them learn, play, and grow including the summer when school year resources are not available,” said Jason Johnson, Interim Director of HSD.
“The Summer Food Service Program meets this critical need and allows us to partner with community organizations across Seattle in pursuing HSD’s mission to support Healthy Communities, Healthy Families.”
Some sites might also follow a waiver guideline that lets them hand out more than one day’s meals at a time to minimize the number of visits a family has to make to the site; however, closed sites are less likely to follow this guideline since they are serving meals only to youth who are in attendance at a regular daily program.