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Explanation for attack by Regrello distasteful - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: 'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.' Those are not my words, but Mahatma Gandhi's. Here are my words: TT clearly has too many stray dogs and almost all of them show signs of neglect and physical abuse.

As I walk this land there seems to be a mirrored image of dog and man. When I travel along certain streets, certain blocks, certain neighbourhoods, even our boroughs and cities, it's difficult at times to recognise who is man and who is dog.

Personally, I don't fear the homeless, weak, abused and hungry dogs because clearly they appear not to have any energy to launch any attack. Therefore this is where I differ with of San Fernando Mayor Junia Regrello. Following the brutal, inhumane and heinous attack on Torrance Mohammed which led to his death, Regrello put out a statement which I think is shocking, incorrect, distasteful to Mohammed's family and friends and totally lacking foresight on what are the issues and resolutions to fix the many ills plaguing us.

The mayor's said, 'In light of the unemployment situation and the way things are, people are going to get desperate so people have to be more vigilant, more careful in how they conduct their business because there are a lot of desperate people outside there. They are a lot of hungry people out there as well.'

So is the mayor saying that Mohammed wasn't vigilant and careful enough? Why do we continue to blame the victims of crime and not the perpetrators and the aggressors? As mayor and a founder of the Torrance Mohammed Culture and Arts Foundation, Regrello needs to find better words.


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