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Judiciary: Plans for new house for Chief Justice scaled down - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

The official residence for the Chief Justice will only cost $4 million out of the $265.2 million set aside for the construction, refurbishment and renovation of public buildings and offices under the government’s Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) 2023.

It also may not be as opulent as described on the website of Udecott, the agency assigned to build the official residence for Trinidad and Tobago’s most senior judge.

Up to Monday, Udecott’s website gave a description of the project, which has been tagged “new.” The website says Udecott is “tasked to manage the project." which it said included the design, construction and outfitting of super-grade housing to accommodate the Chief Justice and his family at 4 Hayes Street, St Clair, Port of Spain.

“The official residence will include living areas, sleeping quarters, study and library, prayer room, fitness centre, swimming pool and indoor and outdoor entertainment facilities befitting the Office of the Chief Justice,” the website says.

The PSIP 2023 – under the heading Public Buildings – said, “The construction, refurbishment, renovation and equipping of public buildings and offices to provide improved accommodation for staff and clients accessing government services will continue to be executed in fiscal 2023 with an allocation of $265.2 million.”

In the list of projects for execution in fiscal 2023, the construction of the official residence is highlighted and the document advised, “conceptual designs were developed, the request for proposal document was completed as well as procurement for a design consultancy...completed. Works to be undertaken in fiscal 2023 include civil and foundation works and superstructure works.”

However, in a media release on Sunday, the Judiciary took issue with Newsday’s report of what the PSIP 2023 says and an editorial which discussed the construction of the CJ’s residence.

It accused the newspaper of “twisting and juxtaposing of information, speculation, and erroneous statements coupled with its headline and opening sentences appeared to be written to provoke negative comment from those who were unaware of the facts.”

It said there are three arms of the state – the legislature, the executive and the judiciary – and, the offices of the Chief Justice, Prime Minister and President, regardless of who they are, are constitutionally required “to be housed at fully maintained super grade housing which is secured.”

“The Prime Minister and President have now been so housed and the Chief Justice remains in rented premises at the sum of $54,000 per month.

“The residence that was provided previously to the Chief Justice was owned by the State and was located on Prada Street, St Clair.

“The Prada street residence was sold inexplicably by the government in December 1997, despite the protestations of the then Chief Justice.

“In July 2014, Cabinet decided that Udecott would be tasked with building the house at No 4 Hayes Street, St Clair. This location is on a far smaller piece of land than the original property at Pra

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