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Le président bulgare Roumen Radev, candidat à sa succession, dans un bureau de vote de Sofia, le 14 novembre 2021. NIKOLAY DOYCHINOV / AFP C’est le troisième scrutin de l’année. Après l’échec des deux précédents votes, en avril et en juillet, faute d’accord de coalition entre les partis, cette fois-ci sera-t-elle la bonne? «J’espère que
The post En Bulgarie, un troisième vote pour une sortie de crise politique et sanitaire appeared first on Haiti24.
\t On Friday, internet and international calls were cut off across the West African nation in anticipation of the election results, according to locals and international observers in the capital, Conakry.
\t This was the third time that Conde matched-up against Diallo. Before the election, observers raised concerns that an electoral dispute could reignite ethnic tensions between Guinea's largest ethnic groups.
A Liverpool. PETER BYRNE / AP Surtout tenter de rassurer pour éviter des achats de panique. Des stations essence gérées par le britannique BP et son concurrent américain ExxonMobil ont fermé au Royaume-Uni à cause de pénuries de carburant dans la foulée des problèmes de livraison dans le pays occasionnés par le manque de chauffeurs
The post Pénurie d’essence au Royaume-Uni : des stations-service contraintes de fermer à cause des problèmes de livraison appeared first on Haiti24.
“The last recording lynching in the United States was in 1981,” says Jill Collen Jefferson, who founded a civil rights... View Article
The post Washington Post harrowingly reports: 'Lynchings in Mississippi never stopped' appeared first on TheGrio.
In December 2010, a college graduate who worked as a street vendor set himself on fire in the city of Sidi Bouzid to protest unemployment, corruption and the continued police state. A spate of other protests followed and spread throughout the country. As many as 10,000 people took to the streets of Tunis, the capital. President Ben Ali attempted to quell the protests with a promise of new elections—but not until 2014—and the creation of 300,000 jobs, but the demonstrations continued and the police retaliated with live gunfire, batons, and tear gas. As many as 80 protesters died in the violence.
After 23 years in power, Ben Ali stepped down and left the country on January 14, 2011. His resignation only complicated the political unrest in Tunisia. Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi said he would assume power, but the following day backed down from that plan and set up a unity government with Fouad Mebazaa, speaker of Parliament, as interim president. The opposition rejected the government and continued their protests, saying high-level posts were given to members of Ben Alis party, while low-ranking ministries were reserved for the opposition. On Feb. 27, Prime Minister Ghannouchi resigned amid ongoing protests and continued criticism that he was too closely linked to the Ben Ali regime. He was replaced by Beji Caid-Essebsi, a former government minister. He responded to demands of the opposition and lifted the 20-year ban on the main Islamist party and froze the assets of Ben Ali. He did not, however, dissolve Parliament or suspend the constitution.
In June, Ben Ali and his wife, Leila Trabelsi, were found guilty in absentia of corruption and sentenced to 35 years in prison and fined $66 million.
Dr. Ricardo A. Davis, president, COQEBS Dear Editor: The Achievement Gap is a term used to describe an age-old phenomenon that precedes the infamous Brown vs. Board of Education decision in 1954. Time might have lulled us all into a state of normalization that is no longer met with righteous indignation, and it is not […]
[Nation] Kinshasa -- Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) President Félix Tshisekedi has ended the coalition that has ruled the country for 16 months.
Publié le : 17/06/2021 - 15:53 Après avoir mis à l'honneur Agnès Varda pour l'affiche de son édition 2019, le Festival de Cannes a choisi d'honorer l'Américain Spike Lee, président du jury de la 74e édition, ont annoncé jeudi les organisateurs. Publicité Lire la suite C'est un portrait iconique qui a été choisi pour l'affiche
The post Festival de Cannes 2021 : le réalisateur Spike Lee, président du jury, mis à l'honneur appeared first on Haiti24.
[Nation] President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM Leader Raila Odinga have jointly appealed to MPs to approve the Bill to amend the constitution ahead of a crucial vote in Parliament on Thursday.
L’étape du jour: Vierzon-Le Creusot, 249,1kilomètres Voici la plus longue étape de cette 108e édition du Tour de France : ce sont en effet six heures à six heures trente de selle qui attendent les 177 coureurs lors de la septième journée. Une étape fleuve de 249,1 kilomètres entre Vierzon (Cher) et Le Creusot (Saône-et-Loire), et une longueur que l’on
The post Tour de France 2021, la gazette : sieste, superstition et mont Fuji appeared first on Haiti24.